at 2 to 5 years old are eager to try everything. They are not able to recognize
most dangers without real injury experience. They are quick in action but
always unaware of the consequences thereafter. You could not prevent every
danger happening to the little child, but you can equip your baby with some
basic safety rules and precautions.
To avoid accidents,
injuries, and unsafe situations outside the home, you got to review the basic
rules and do necessary trainings before outings.
Always have a baby safety car seat on your car.
Never leave a child alone in a car.
Train your child become "street smart." Teach a
kid basic rules and dangers of cars and streets; train them not to run on a
Reinforce "stranger danger." with your kids.
Prevent sunburns (radiation burns), which may cause a
fever after sweat or skin problem.
Teach proper behavior around animals.
Use insect repellents.
Teach little child of safety awareness of swimming and
train them not access any pool without familiar adults that can save them from
the pool.
Keep your child safe on the playground.
Do all necessary measures
you think of may be helpful for your active children when they are curious in
the outside world. Teach them to watch and think, as well as the consciousness
of protect themselves. This can only by repeat training and stressing. What
special tools or helpers you think of useful, tell and share here.